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The Mark Wahlberg daily schedule always includes around 20 minutes of prayer. And the Hollywood A-list actor credits his faith with making him a better dad and husband.

He may not always make it to the gym. But actor Mark Wahlberg never skips on his time with God! “I take two days a week off from the gym now,” he said. “I don’t take a day off from getting on my hands and my knees, from reading my prayer book and my daily devotionals.”

Faith Helps Christian Celebrity Stay Committed

Image Credit: Yahoo

Prayer is always a part of the Mark Wahlberg daily schedule because the 48-year-old actor realizes just how its effects are. In fact, Mark Wahlberg says his faith helps make him a better dad to his 4 children — Ella (16), Brendan (14), Michael (13), and Grace (10). The Christian celebrity says his devotion to God also makes him a better husband to his wife, Rhea Durham.

Mark Wahlberg’s daily prayer routine helps keep him on track, especially in his commitment to his family. “I pray for the patience,” he said. “I want to be an example, with my work ethic, with my commitment to my faith, with my commitment to my family. I’ve been put in this position for a reason, it’s not to forget about where I came from.

I have to utilize these talents and gifts that have been given to me to help others.”

Image Credit: The Sun

Like all of us, though Mark found faith many years ago, he admits he’s a work in progress. As he’s grown “older and wiser,” he’s come to regret some of the choices he’s made in his younger years. ”I just always hope that God is a movie fan and also forgiving because I’ve made some poor choices in my past,” he says. That’s the beautiful thing about Christ’s salvation. It’s available to all of us no matter what mistakes we’ve made.

What an inspiration to see Mark Wahlberg committing to prayer and time with God as a part of his daily schedule. It’s always wonderful to see someone in Hollywood so committed to faith!


Kirsten-Mark Davison Gromer - I knew I liked him!!!! THIS is what matters in life!!!! God knows the plans He has for each one of us, and it does my heart good to see one in the midst of the "Hollywood rat race" giving God the glory , dedication, trust, faith, HE deserves, & making him a priority! Nothing works in life without surrendering all tothe creator of life!!!......God the Almighty! But WITH GOD, all things are possible!!!

Dottie Jardina Hudson - The Lord is my light and salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27: NIV

Florence Higgins - Mark came from a family of great Faith! He always makes know his beliefs in God and the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! A true witness for this day and age!!God bless u Mark !!

Linda Kaminski Wofford - Thank you for sharing. It's usually women. It's such a blessing to see a son, husband & Dad to share his faith.


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